Join us Tuesday evenings to learn more about the Catholic faith or to become Catholic. To find out more please call Ellen Vanden Eykel (540) 774-0066 or email cf@oln-parish.com. Are you already Catholic and would like to join one of our many adult opportunities? Contact Ellen to see what we have available.
We have a year round program that has various start times. The length of the program depends on where you are on your faith journey. Some join us for a few months of classes and others continue on the journey for a year or more. For more information about the different types of OCIA attendees continue to read below.
OCIA is a program for adults (or children who are not yet baptized older than 8) to discover what the Catholic Church teaches. The primary focus is developing a relationship with Jesus Christ through worship, community and service. All are welcome to attend; those already active in the Catholic Church but hungry to learn more, Christians who want to know what the church teaches and why, and those who may want to become Catholic through the reception of sacraments. All interested should contact Ellen to meet and see how OLN can best serve your needs.
Ellen Vanden Eykel
774-0066, ext. 15
Inquiry: an informal time for questions and answers about the Catholic faith.
Catechumenate: a time for learning the teachings and truths of the Catholic Church, while deepening your relationship with God, and community.
Purification & Enlightenment (during Lent): a period of prayer and deep reflection about your own life as a Christian and to what you are being called.
Reception into the Catholic Church: at the Easter vigil, a Catechumen receives the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation (for more information on the sacraments please see the website tab for the sacraments.)
Mystagogy: reflection upon the mysteries of the Mass and the Eucharist.
Inquiry: an informal time for questions and answers about the Catholic faith.
The Candidate: a time for learning the teachings and truths of the Catholic Church, while deepening your relationship with God, followed by deepening your relationship with the community and learning more about the Catholic faith.
Where do I begin?
This depends on you and where you are on your faith journey. If you are fairly new to Catholicism or have limited experience with the Christian faith, you may still find it helpful to begin in the Inquiry group for a time before moving into OCIA. Each person's journey is unique. We will work with you!
I was baptized, but not as a Catholic. I wish to join the Catholic Church. How long will this take?
That depends on a variety of things. If you come to the Catholic faith community with a full experience of living the Christian life within the context of your previous faith community, you may be invited to study and understand the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism as well as obtain a clear understanding of the Catholic Sacraments. This may be sufficient preparation which builds upon your previous adult faith formation. On the other hand, if you come to join the Catholic Church with limited faith experience or knowledge, you will be better served with a fuller and more extensive experience within the OCIA process.
I was baptized as a Catholic but never received my first Eucharist nor been confirmed. Where do I fit in?
You are invited to join the OCIA group and walk with us as long as necessary to help you prepare for the sacraments.
I was baptized as a Catholic and received my first Eucharist. I was never confirmed. Do I jump into the OCIA process, too?
Yes, those who are solely preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation will also find the sessions to be an excellent way to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Adult Confirmations occur throughout the year.
I am divorced. Is this an issue as far as the OCIA process is concerned?
Each situation is unique, but these are important issues to understand and sort out. You are encouraged to talk with an OCIA Team member or a priest about your unique situation when you first inquire into the OCIA process.
Do I need a sponsor?
If you decide to join the Church or if you are a Catholic who wishes to complete your initiation, you will need a sponsor from the Catholic faith community. A sponsor is a fully initiated Catholic who will serve as a companion, listener, and mentor.
Is there any cost associated with OCIA?
So, where do I start?
The best place to start is to contact the OCIA Director, Ellen Vanden Eykel (see above). She will schedule an interview with you and from this initiate a plan of action that fits your particular individual needs.